
Tired of the news about climate collapse?

We'd better do something about it!

Overview of
The Project

The planet is primarily heated by the sun. Rising temperatures are not only due to the production of greenhouse gases from smokestacks and exhausts, but also to the Earth's decreasing reflectivity due to our cities, highways and photovoltaic panels. Understanding basic physics is enough to understand warming. Black turns light into heat. White reflects it back into space. Unfortunately, this is not accounted for at all in the planning for our future by 2050.
And so we look for flat roofs that absorb heat from the sun, especially in Africa, to provide a reflective layer to actively cool the Earth.
We certainly do not dispute the impact of CO2 on global warming and in particular on ocean acidification. That's why we plant the most massive trees on the planet on the Foundation's land, which have a lifespan of more than two thousand years. At the same time, we are involved in technological projects that can save our energy consumption and thus future emissions.

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On an area of just over 1 hectare, we plant giant sequoias, which remove at least 100 000 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere for thousands of years. On similarly large areas, we will bounce more than 90 GWh of solar thermal energy back into space in the next ten years in the Sahara. Just as a refresher, one hectare is a 100x100 meter square. Nothing on a global scale. But to produce a comparable amount of heat or electricity, we routinely emit up to 90,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

With your help, these numbers can be even more impressive! We are ready to take care of thousands of hectares in the most suitable locations around the world. On foundation land with climate-smart status.

We have watched how scientific papers, by simplifying and taking them out of context, become political ammunition. We have seen the same scientists warn against practical action in the name of saving the planet based on their years of research.

We sensed the desire of society to do something, but at the same time it was clear to us that real and political solutions diverged in many areas. At the same time, we can understand that. It started with the ban on incandescent light bulbs. At first, development replaced them with more economical, more expensive and more toxic lamps. Today, however, we have defensible and genuinely economical LED lights at a reasonable price. This continued with the banning of low efficiency vacuum cleaners, which validated this tactic. Therefore, today electric cars are seen as a developmental stage in anticipation of something truly green. But it is a matter of time. Perhaps only in California (USA), which tackled climate change a decade before the rest of the world, did they understand that it was necessary to tackle light reflectivity at the same time. Because a dark roof warms its surroundings and consequently the planet.

0 +
Tonnes Co2 Removed
Trees Planted

Join us to save the planet


Every tonne of CO2 counts! For less than two euros you can have a great feeling. After all, what's more important than saving the Earth?

If you become a registered donor, we will be able to pool all your sponsorship donations in the future and issue you with a climate certificate. Registration is very simple, but the email must be unique. We store the password encrypted. We offer companies a quid pro quo in the form of advertising. Sponsorship donations are thus fully tax deductible.

The planet's reflectivity is nothing new. Until the creation of our foundation, you might see it in the media in connection with volcanic eruptions, which can lead to new ice ages, or in connection with the search for a climate emergency brake. When scientists try to mimic such an event with chemicals in the atmosphere to cool the planet. However, we fear such geoengineering. We'd rather correct the mistakes humans have made step by step.

The sun continuously supplies us with so much energy that an increase in reflectivity of only a few percent can stop global warming. But the opposite is happening and a domino effect is being triggered. It's most visible in the Arctic.

After two years of further intensive preparations, both for the first hectare of land planted with redwoods (Sequoiadendron giganteum) and for obtaining equipment to accurately measure surface reflectance and light intensity online, the Foundation was established in 2021.

We have no expenses related to operations, salaries, commissions or advertising. 100% of the funds raised are invested with one goal in mind. To stop global warming.

Of the donations the Foundation receives, we always invest one-third in the purchase of suitable land for planting redwoods, which can live for two to three thousand years and grow up to eighty metres in height. One third to lease rooftops and land in desert areas for active light reflection. And finally, the last third, in the form of grants, is invested in basic research into technologies to reduce carbon consumption or increase carbon accumulation, such as the targeted cultivation of giant seaweeds, which are world record holders in this area. If we turn them into cattle feed, their methane production will be reduced by up to 90%. If we carbonise them and use them as fertiliser, we lock carbon back into the soil for thousands of years.

We did not set up the Foundation for our presentation or advertising. Each of us is successful in our field. However, as forty-somethings, we wanted to do something bigger than ourselves or just a business. Something to look back on. To leave behind an earth in a state that we won't have to be ashamed of in front of our children.

We are pleased to have received the support of a number of well-known personalities. If we are to succeed, we need yours too. Maybe just by sharing us. Thank you! Foundation

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